The Yorkshire and Humber Textile Innovation Knowledge Platform (TIKP) for the Future of Textiles and Clothing would like to extend a warm welcome to you. The platform is an open expert's network of professionals involved in technical textile and clothing related research and innovation across the region, the UK, Europe, and further afield.
You will be able to find public information on the aims, activities, and outcomes of the work that is currently being carried out by the Textile Centre of Excellence here on this website.
Find everything you need on the topic
You can also find articles and links to other relevant resources in the UK and Europe in the field of textile research and innovation here. If you are actively involved in textile research and innovation activities based in Europe, then this is your opportunity to engage and be a part of this sector's growth in the manufacture of textiles. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date regarding the development of this site.
Brand new website
The Managing Director of the Textile Centre of Excellence, Bill Macbeth, stated that "We are extremely excited about this brand new website," which has been created as an open network for professionals involved in technical textile and clothing-related research and innovation across the region, the United Kingdom, Europe, and further afield.
Although this site is now operational, work is still being done to completely populate it with educational and technical content that is up to the standards expected by both the business world and the academic community. We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with your feedback and suggestions regarding the kinds of supplementary material you'd like to find on this website. To communicate with us, please use the notice board located in the about section.
Knowledge is key
One of the most forward-thinking aspects of the website is the dedicated knowledge section, which offers information that is helpful regarding various technologies, material functionalities, market sectors, and materials. This is the part of the article in which the scientific aspects of the materials, as well as their functions and the novel applications of those functions, are discussed.
We work with: Excellence in Textile Manufacturing Center
The Textile Centre of Excellence is an organization that does not generate profits for its owners, who are primarily textile manufacturing businesses located throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region. The Center offers a diverse selection of educational and professional development services. Apprenticeships and National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), training in leadership and management, health and safety, information technology, and forklift truck operation are all included in the training that is provided. Over the course of the past year, the Center has assisted more than 1,500 different businesses. Additionally, the Centre serves as a focal point for innovation, research and development in the United Kingdom.
The Sector Skills Council for the fashion and textile industries is known as Skillset. "As a Sector Skills Council, our mission is to assist employers in remaining competitive in a global market by ensuring that they have access to a skilled workforce that is able to provide products and services that have added value."
Textranet is a European textile transfer network that encourages the sharing of ideas in the field of technical textiles across the continent. Crosstex is a cooperative effort between regional and national research agencies in Europe that is intended to increase the amount of funding that is available for textile research in Europe.